What makes an outlier?

Post date: Mar 05, 2015 7:50:47 PM

I am thrilled to answer questions about why I chose the name of this firm.  In part, it's because women in Engineering are so rare.  What happened to the women in our classes at school?  Don't worry, this isn't a soapbox I'm about to step on.  However, the following information might be useful to you, your sister, or your company.

This first link is just about the first research I read on the topic.  It was very timely, well written and best of all, it had lots of pulled out summaries for those of us not used to reading white papers.


This next link is a more recent rehashing of that paper, and some additional research done by the Society of Women Engineers.  Interestingly, though, the SWE research is not backed up by multi-authored peer reviewed white papers.  

I think, in addition to being a whispered topic that might need to be talked about loudly, I am disappointed in how little has been added to the research base in the last few years.  

So, if you've got a minute, check this information out.  You might already be an outlier!