Structural Engineering in New Braunfels

out·li·er [out-lahy-er]


Why Choose Us

Outlier Engineering, Inc. is a woman owned business-based structural engineering practice.  We believe in giving clients what they want: an on time, quality project without any fuss.  After all, you hired us to be the experts.  We are happy to talk to you about what you need, small or large, detailed or not.

Our Experience Shows

Outlier Engineering, Inc. has designed precast structures ranging from simple gymnasiums to complex mixed-use facilities.  Keeping one eye on the deadline and the other on quality allows Outlier Engineering, Inc. to provide high quality engineering services to a variety of clients.

Outlier Engineering, Inc. has designed foundations under municipal structures.  Whether a foundation supports an equipment sheds or an enormous clarifier,  all projects receive the same high quality design and attention to constructability.

Outlier Engineering, Inc. understands it's difficult to decide whether to call out the Design Engineer or to allow a field fix.  Years of construction observation experience on bridges and buildings provides Outlier Engineering, Inc. the background and expertise to help you decide the course of action and provide feasible options.

Outlier Engineering knows that being a small business doesn't mean we have to act like one.