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Outlier Engineering, Inc
Structural Engineering in New Braunfels
Contact Us
Our Company
Amy M. Stone, PE
Greg Magness, PE
Our Staff
Person's Name - CTO
Person's Name - Director of Design
Recent Announcements!
1 Kings 6:2-7
1 Peter 4:10
2 Corinthians 5:7
2 Corinthians 9:6
2 Samuel 8:2
3 John (1):24
A project I want to visit later!
a stacked block wall, poorly installed
A telling definition...
An easy class with a hard name, LGPP
An Interesting business book
Another poo pit- but not in use yet
Ask the Engineer!!!
Being Tested
Continuing Other Education
Daniel 1:13-15
Digging out your crack
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8
Ecclesiastes 7:10
Egermeier's Bible Story Book
Engineer Stars in Movie
Ephesians 2:10
Ephesians 2:10
Ephesians 4:29
Ephesians 4:3
Ezra 6:1-2
Galations 6:7
Genesis 32:24
Good times for Outlier
Great news about New Braunfels!
Greg Magness, PE, added to Outlier Engineering, PLLC!
Hey, but what about those Incan stacked walls?
I love it when a plan comes together
I need a little help
Interesting construction techniques
Interviews with Entrepreneurs- Rossun Construction Management
Isaiah 9:2-7 King James Version (KJV)
It might be YOU
James 3:9
Jeremiah 12:5
Juvenile Humor- Structural Engineering style
Local Structural Engineer Dispels Rumors about the San Antonio Street Bridge
Luke 2 1-20
Make this town even more awesome
Matthew 11:28-30 New International Version (NIV)
Matthew 6:25-34(NIV)
Neither Rain nor Heat...
New Braunfels attraction
New Braunfels Booms (and not from Bill)
Numbers 19: 11-15
Other good news, but not as good as Christmas
Our first Youtube video
Our latest brochure!
Outlier got MERGED!
Outlier steps into the future
Philippians 4:12
Phillipians 3:14
Pretty Structures
Proverbs 12:1
Proverbs 24:3-4
psalm 107, v 23-32
Psalm 121
Psalm 34:4
Q&A about the merger- Part 1
Revelation 6:8
Rossun Construction Management
Second Corinthians 6:16
Shutting off
Small project highlight-electrical panel pad and patio
Small project highlight-mystery column
Solid Hill Country Bedrock... or not?
Structural Engineering: stuck in the attic
Taking the heart out of a concrete column... with a spoon
The deets of a Woman Owned Engineering Business
The most awesome project that turned out not to be
The only people whose job is cooler than yours
The Poo Pit
Trees- Nature's lungs and home wreckers
Walk the plank!
Watering your house
What makes an outlier?
What's so hard about a grade beam?
Why are Structural Engineers so anal?
wowza picture
you get what you pay for- or, you pay for what you get
Services & Specialties
Capabilities Statement
Outlier Engineering, Inc
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