Other good news, but not as good as Christmas
Post date: Dec 05, 2013 4:45:10 PM
Actually, that's just a teaser headline. Hopefully, within 30 days, Outlier will have great and important news for you, so stay tuned!
But for now, how about some pictures? Everyone likes pictures, right?
These are from way down south. The client would like to hang a temporary utility on this bridge to transport water to a well site. I help them do that by providing calculations and being pre-certified in Bridge Design.
I like this kind of work because it's different and unusual. We have to come up with a way to attach these temporary utilities that will not damage the bridge, will be easily installed and cleanly removed. It's different for every project.
The project isn't complete yet, but I may one day have pictures of the temporary utility to show you.
Here's what really strikes me about these pictures. Despite the estimated 35 year age of the bridge, it is still in excellent condition. Not only that, but it's shape and pieces are comparable to brand new bridges. I'm really proud that TxDOT invested in making efficient, effective bridges and sticking with those designs.
See you soon, with good news!